Thursday, April 12, 2012

Experiment 3: Mechanical Waves

In this lab we were using mechanical waves to examine the relationship between the wavelength(λ), The period (T), and the frequency(f). We used a spring that was had a length of 1.0m + 0.1m. We made the spring produce a wave over an interval of 5 seconds + 0.5s. During this time, we counted the amount of waves that passed a point. This would give us the number of waves per second.

In our first trial of this lab we noticed 13 waves in 5 seconds, This results in a frequency of 2.65 Hz + 0.2 Hz. The second trial and third trial had 11 waves in 5 seconds, this gives us 2.25 Hz + 0.2 Hz. With this value of the frequency we can determine the velocity of the wave. The velocity can be found from this equation, v = fλ. 
The velocity from the first trial is 2.65 m/s + 0.593 m/s and the second and third trials have a velocity of 2.25m/s + 0.503 m/s . 

The error from the velocity can be determined by partial derivatives. 
ΔV = sqrt ((∂f/∂v)^2*Δf + (λ/∂v)^2*Δλ)) =  0.593 m/s
The error of this lab came from the number of waves determined from the human eye. The waves were moving at a fast enough rate for us to easily lose count. 
The graph of these values will be on a vertical line. The slope cannot be evaluated at this point because all of the lab times were taken at the same time.

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